Double-Digit Greater Than Less Than

greater than less than equal worksheets - two digit numbers

We have many printable worksheets used to compare double-digit numbers to determine their relationship by using the mathematical symbols, “greater than” <, “less than” > and “equal to” =.

Double digit – greater than, less than or equal to is a great way for students to examine the numbers and use the inequality and equal symbols to show the relationship between the two numbers.

These sheets are an effective and fun way to introduce and reinforce comparing number skills. As your students master the skills using double-digit worksheets, they can move onto more challenging number worksheets practicing with the triple and quadruple digit worksheets.

Academy Worksheets have many free sheets comparing triple-digit and quadruple-digit.  All of the worksheets on are free and printable.

greater than less than equal worksheets - two digit numbers
greater than less than equal worksheets - two digit numbers