Greater than Less than Using Triple-Digit Numbers

greater than less than equal worksheets - three digit numbers

What is Greater than Less than? Math is the science of dealing with numbers, and greater than, less than and equal to are all mathematical terms. Greater than is when one number is larger than another. For example, 3 is larger (or bigger) than 2. Less than is when one number is smaller than another. […]

Double-Digit Greater Than Less Than

greater than less than equal worksheets - two digit numbers

We have many printable worksheets used to compare double-digit numbers to determine their relationship by using the mathematical symbols, “greater than” <, “less than” > and “equal to” =. Double digit – greater than, less than or equal to is a great way for students to examine the numbers and use the inequality and equal symbols to […]

Addition Sums to 10

single digit addition up to number 10

Addition Worksheets These worksheets are great practice with single digit addition. Below are several free worksheets of basic addition facts with sums up to 10. It is important to master basic addition skills as a stepping stone for more challenging math equations. Learning how to add is important because it is one of the foundational […]

Counting 1-5 Worksheets

counting objects 0 to 5

How to Teach Counting 1-5? Counting Worksheets are the perfect way to reinforce the math skills for your pre-school, kindergarten and 1st grade students. Counting is an essential life skill that helps children understand the concept of numbers and how they work. It is important for children to learn how to count because it helps […]

Count and Match Numbers 1-5 Worksheets

Why Counting Numbers and Matching Worksheets Are Great for Learning? The count and match worksheet activities are a great way to introduce counting numbers and to reinforce math skills. The math worksheets below provide your preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students the opportunity to count 1 to 5 objects and match them to the correct […]

Addition – Which Equation Equals the Sum?

These free printable addition worksheets are an excellent way to practice addition facts. Each of these math sheets have 10 problems. On each worksheet you need to determine which equation equals the given number. This is an effective way to introduce and reinforce addition skills. Click on the links below to see and print all […]

Multi-digit Addition carry

These multi-digit addition worksheets provide practice for progressively more complex types of addition problems. Solve these addition problems by adding numbers together starting with the ones place and regroup if necessary.

Doubling Addition – Adding Doubles

adding doubles

These double addition worksheets provide plenty of practice to help memorize the key math facts. Learning to solve double addition facts quickly is important, because it can be applied to other addition facts in two steps. First by solving the doubles fact and then adding or subtracting from that sum.  Print Print Print

Vertical Addition – Sums to 10

Practice these basic addition facts with sums up to 10. On this worksheet there are 20 addition problems laid out horizontally. It is important to master basic addition skills as a stepping stone to more challenging math equations. All of the worksheets on are free and printable. Leave a comment and let us know how your […]