2 Times Table

What is the 2 Times Table? The 2 times table is a multiplication table that contains all the products of 2 multiplied by every number from 1 to 12. The products are as follows: 2×1=2, 2×2=4, 2×3=6, 2×4=8, 2×5=10, 2×6=12, 2×7=14, 2×8=16, 2×9=18, 2×10=20, 2×11=22, 2×12=24. The twos are a bit easier for children to […]

Rocket Math – Multiplication

If you have a child in elementary school, there is a good chance you have heard the term Rocket Math. Rocket Math is a way to teach kids math while making it fun and easy for them to learn and master. It teaches math facts – the basic building blocks of all math. We have […]