Multiplication Table

multiplication grid

multiplication grid

What is the Multiplication Table?

The multiplication table is a useful tool to help you remember the products of two numbers, 1-12. To use the table, look up the first number in the first column and the second number in the top row. Then the product is at the intersection of the row and column. Here is an example of the multiplication table of 1-12:

How to Use the Table?

The multiplication table is a great tool to help you easily multiply numbers. To use the table, start by finding the number you want to multiply in the first column of the table. Then, look across the row to find the number you want to multiply it by. The result of the multiplication will be at the intersection of the two numbers. For example, if you wanted to multiply 8 by 7, look for 8 in the first column and 7 in the row. The result, 56, will be at the intersection of the two numbers.

Why is the Multiplication Table Important?

Multiplication tables are important because they provide a quick way to multiply numbers. Without needing to do the calculations by hand, multiplication tables make it easier to solve mathematical problems. Additionally, they are a great tool to help students learn the basics of multiplication and develop a better understanding of the multiplication operation. For example, when a student is presented with a multiplication problem, they can quickly look up the answer in the multiplication table to see their result. This helps them to understand the concept of multiplication and how it works.

multiplication grid

Multiplication Grid

multiplication tables

Multiplication Grid Hero

multiplication tables

Times table



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