2nd Grading Reading Comprehension

phonics who what where when questions

phonics who what where when questions

Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is all about understanding what you read. It’s like being a detective! You use clues from the words and pictures to figure out the meaning of the story or passage and connect the dots to your reading puzzle, Good reading comprehension lets you connect the dots. It’s like having a secret decoder ring for unlocking the hidden messages in books. With strong comprehension skills, you can:

  • Become a Story Detective: You can figure out the main idea, like why the puppy is digging, and solve the little mysteries within the story.
  • Connect the Dots: You can link what you’re reading to things you already know, like your own playful pet, making the story come alive!
  • Become a Super Reader: You can ask questions and think critically about the story, wondering if the puppy will find his treat or if there might be more trouble ahead.

The more you practice this skill, the easier it gets. And that’s where sight words come in as your best friends. By recognizing them quickly, you can spend less time sounding things out and more time following the exciting adventures in the story. So, the next time you pick up a book, remember – you’re not just reading words, you’re cracking a code and unlocking a world of imagination!

Sight words are words that you can read automatically, without having to sound them out every time. They’re like building blocks for reading fluency. When you can recognize sight words quickly, you can focus on understanding the bigger, tougher words and the whole story itself. Reading passages that include sight words help you practice reading smoothly and build confidence as a reader!

Click on Read More for some great reading comprehension worksheets.

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