Addition – Sums to 10

Addition sums to 10 is a mathematical operation that involves combining two or more numbers to find their total. In the case of sums to 10, it means finding pairs of numbers that, when added together, equal 10. Addition is an important concept in mathematics as it is the foundation for other mathematical operations such as subtraction, multiplication, and division.

One example that illustrates the importance of addition is in calculating change when making a purchase. If an item costs $6 and you give the cashier $10, you need to use addition to find out how much change you should receive. In this case, you would add 6 and 4 (the amount of money you need to make up to 10 dollars) to get a total of 10, which is the same as the amount you gave the cashier.

Understanding addition is crucial in many fields, including science, engineering, and finance. It allows us to make calculations more efficiently and accurately, and helps us solve real-world problems.

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