Vocabulary Words for 4th Grade Students

common core words

By mastering 4th grade vocabulary words, students are laying the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and communication.


We have several worksheets for each week. The worksheets have the vocabulary word, the definition and the parts of speech. For those teachers who prefer just the word and definition, we have a worksheet for that as well. Finally, the 3rd worksheet is just the vocab words without the definitions. This is a great idea for homework.

Vocabulary words are the building blocks for students’ academic and personal development. By 4th grade the words are more complex, as are the concepts and ideas. 


Why are Vocabulary Words so Important?

  1. Improves Comprehension: A strong vocabulary allows students to better understand the written and spoken language. 
  2. Enhanced Communication: A rich vocabulary empowers students to express themselves clearly, concisely, and persuasively. 
  3. Critical Thinking: An individuals vocabulary is closely linked to their critical thinking skills. As students learn new words, they are also developing the ability to analyze, and evaluate new information.
  4. Academic Success: A strong vocabulary is a foundational skill for success in all subjects.