
Academyworksheets.com was created by a Special Education Teacher with 20+ years experience, who is certified in education from preschool to 21 years of age.

You are joining hundreds of thousands of people, including homeschool teachers and parents, as well as public and private school teachers who work to raise their children’s math and English competencies.

This site has a growing collection of free printable worksheets with answer keys that I have created while teaching my own children and students. All of this has helped my students to achieve academic success.

Is it really free?

Yes, it’s all free for you to use and share. If you’re a teacher or parent who is looking for something specific, please reach out to us in the comments or you can email us at academyworksheets@gmail.com.

How can you help?

The more people who visit the site, the more worksheets we can put up. In addition, please consider linking to some of the worksheets or posts you find useful. The best way to give back is to help others find the site, your support is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for visiting and good luck on your educational journey!

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